roxGALERIA: Picturi care spun povești și hrănesc sufletul.

Descoperă arta culorilor și imaginației noastre unice.

Proiecte Artistice

Explorați universul culorilor și poveștilor prin artă.

Culori Vibrante

Picturi ce spun povești din imaginația noastră.

A young girl and a woman engage in a creative activity, playing with small clay sculptures on a tablecloth decorated with colorful dots. The girl is focused on the figures, which include two animal-shaped sculptures and a triangular object with a handprint design.
A young girl and a woman engage in a creative activity, playing with small clay sculptures on a tablecloth decorated with colorful dots. The girl is focused on the figures, which include two animal-shaped sculptures and a triangular object with a handprint design.
A bright, creative studio space featuring a table covered with various art supplies, including paints, glue, and paper cutouts. On the floor, a white sheet displays an array of colorful handmade cards and artwork. An easel holds a canvas with an abstract painting, and the walls are lined with large paintings, some leaning on the floor. The room is well-lit by three large windows in the background, allowing natural light to fill the space.
A bright, creative studio space featuring a table covered with various art supplies, including paints, glue, and paper cutouts. On the floor, a white sheet displays an array of colorful handmade cards and artwork. An easel holds a canvas with an abstract painting, and the walls are lined with large paintings, some leaning on the floor. The room is well-lit by three large windows in the background, allowing natural light to fill the space.
Povești Vizuale

Imaginație și artă îmbinate în fiecare lucrare creată.

Artă și Imaginație

La Roxgaleria, fiecare pictură spune o poveste, aducând culori vibrante și emoții profunde, hrănind sufletul cu frumusețea artei.


Culori pentru suflet

Descoperiți poveștile din spatele fiecărei lucrări artistice.

Imaginație și Creativitate

Experience. With our intuitive design and user-friendly interface, your website will captivate visitors. 2

Despre roxGALERIA

Picturi care spun povești, culori care inspiră imaginația și artă ce hrănește sufletul. Descoperă universul nostru creativ.

Recenzii Clienți

Descoperiți poveștile și culorile prin ochii clienților noștri pasionați.

Roxgaleria m-a impresionat profund! Picturile sunt cu adevărat hrană pentru suflet.

Ana Popescu
Children engaging in a creative activity outdoors, hands smudged with paint. Several containers with colorful paints are on the ground, and a child is seen mixing paint on their hands, focusing intently on the activity.
Children engaging in a creative activity outdoors, hands smudged with paint. Several containers with colorful paints are on the ground, and a child is seen mixing paint on their hands, focusing intently on the activity.


Arta de la Roxgaleria m-a inspirat să îmi transform casa într-un spațiu plin de culoare și povești. Recomand cu căldură!

A child’s drawing rendered with colorful crayons on paper, depicting various playful and abstract figures including animals and objects. The artwork is simple, with scribbled lines and imaginative shapes. The picture features smiling faces and abstract forms, conveying a sense of creativity and innocence.
A child’s drawing rendered with colorful crayons on paper, depicting various playful and abstract figures including animals and objects. The artwork is simple, with scribbled lines and imaginative shapes. The picture features smiling faces and abstract forms, conveying a sense of creativity and innocence.

